
Are you looking to target the next generation? Ag for Life's job board is designed to target talented candidates, ages 15 to 30 who are passionate about agriculture and agri-food in Alberta. Why not target your career opportunities to our growing database of job seekers?

Proceeds from the Job Board support the delivery of Ag for Life's youth agriculture and safety programs. Thank you for your support.

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C$ 0.00

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png 1 Standard Job Post

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Posts Are Live for 30 Days

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Alert Sent to Potential Candidates

C$ 50.00
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EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Company Career Page

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png 1 Standard Job Post

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Posts Are Live for 50 Days

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Alert Sent to Potential Candidates

Standard - Plus
C$ 60.00
Billed Only Once

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Company Career Page

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png 1 Standard Job Post

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Posts Are Live for 60 Days

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Alert Sent to Potential Candidates

C$ 200.00
Billed Only Once

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Company Career Page

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Up to 5 Job Posts Per Month

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Posts Are Live for 50 Days

EZQQ12Az8Kq5XxioxzUVLuZBta88RcaXGgS1H0Js.png Job Alert Sent to Potential Candidates